Thursday 15 September 2011

preparing a portfolio

Here is a list of work i want to show in my portfolio.

The first link leads to little exercise involving photoshopping an image on a store front,  the next link is for a project about under water environments where i used photos of plane wrecks and an image of an ancient greek ruin to make a sunken city and the link below is an evaluation of it. The next link is for an experiment crossing a leopard with a rhino using the liquify tool and the link below is the same except using a lizard and a hippo.  The next link is for another experiment which was to make an underwater scene using photoshop and using photos of a garden and a plane wreck. the link below that is for close-ups of objects for a project about making a game involving dartmoor.

And this is what i can improve on.

The first link leads to project about a possible redesign of a big brand name's website or logo. i decided on subway's website. i am quite pleased with the location the site is set in which is a train station. i am not pleased with the menu because of the layout and how messy it all looks. and   thing i like is the animated banner which shows moving subway cars and ending with a subway logo i made with flash. overall i think i could improve on the menus and the layout but i am pleased with the animated banner and the photos.

The second link is for an exercise on making a spherical object like a ball using photoshop. the first image is my attempt and below is the proper way of making one. i am happy with the shiny-ness of the ball. i am not happy with how the oval shapes are clearly visible which are used for a 3d effect, but i am happy with the illusion of smooth-ness overall. all in all i think i did a good job even it has a few imperfections.

Below are some portfolios i have researched on.

This website is a portfolio of work by a graphic designer called Ben Barry. He has done a fair bit of work for Facebook. I like his portfolio a lot because of its layout which consists of thumbnails that, when clicked on will link to a page with more images and an explanation of the project at hand. one thing i will say is that the background colour is grey which is quite a bland colour for a graphic designer to use for his website.

The link above leads to the website of designer Michael Heald who does a lot of work for video game companys. The layout is very clean with a black background and a blue underline that flashes up when the mouse is hovering over the button or link. I like this alot because of how professional it looks. I also like that when you go to the portfolio link it allows you to go a specific parts of Michael's work such as his design work, illustration work, 3D and Motion work and so on. I find it hard for me to find fault in this portfolio but i will say that the artist doesn't really include much criticism in his descriptions but aside from that the site is very  well arranged.

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